OPEN CALL for Next Generation (NG) residency program “Sustainability as the future of TYA”

ASSITEJ Serbia and regional platform From the First Step invites 13 artists from all around the world to attend the Next Generation program, which will be the prologue of the Assitej Artistic Gathering 2023 "Turning point"!


Next Generation (NG) residency program
“Sustainability as the future of TYA”

Novi Sad, Serbia
14 – 20 Nov 2023


Deadline: 25 April


Next Generation (NG) residency program is an ASSITEJ initiative designed to support artistic and cultural exchange and collaboration between international artists aged 36 years or below interested in theater for young audiences.

ASSITEJ Serbia and regional platform From the First Step invites 13 artists (actors, dancers, directors, scenographers, critics, producers, researchers, pedagogues, etc.) from all around the world to attend the Next Generation program, which will be the prologue of the Assitej Artistic Gathering “Turning point” (20 – 24 November 2023).


Photo: Srdjan Pabllo Doroski
Photo: Srdjan Pabllo Doroski


Sustainability will be the topic of the 2023 Next Generation Residency.

Sustainable art can be defined as creativity to find new ways to make art that can benefit the environment, whether by using accessible and natural materials or by inspiring social awareness on pressing issues. However, when we discuss an ecologically aware work process, it is not enough to only talk about materials, topics, and advocacy. It is necessary to talk about relationships between people in the process, time, and the way of communication; in other words, about the mental health of the working process.


The NG residency program at AAG in Serbia will include the following:
● Six days of workshops on the topic of sustainability
● Seeing TYA performances from Serbia
● Discussions and reflections.
● Networking with theater practitioners from Serbia and the global ASSITEJ community.
● A meeting with the ASSITEJ Next Generation Network and alumni.

Regional platform From the First Step and Assitej Serbia will provide:
● Accommodation for six nights (from the 14th to the 20th of November).
● Food per diem.
● Facilitation of the program.

Next Generation participants are expected to fundraise for their travel to the residency. Therefore, applicants accepted to the program may apply for a partial travel grant from ASSITEJ International. Also, it will be our pleasure to assist you in applying for mobility competitions by sending an invitation letter.

In case of staying at Assitej Artistic Gathering, Assitej Serbia will provide the following:
● All registration, theater tickets, seminars, and access to workshops at the AAG (from the 20th to the 24th November)
● Discount and help with accommodation during the AAG
● Priority applying for one day Workshop “Creating performances for babies and children with disabilities” by Dalija Acin Thelander

If participants of the Next Generation program wish to exceed their stay during the Assitej Artistic Gathering, they are expected to cover accommodation costs themselves.

As an inclusive program, Next Generation welcomes applications from disabled artists.


Photo: Srdjan Pabllo Doroski
Photo: Srdjan Pabllo Doroski


How to apply

Fill out the application form before 25 April 2023

Application form

● 25 April 2023 – Deadline for applications for the NG program
● 10 May 2023 – Announcement of successful applicants


Is a regional platform dedicated to the development and affirmation of the TYA in the Balkan region. It brings together organizations and artists who want to change the situation in the TYA sector with their educational, artistic and theoretical work.

An ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering is a space in which all the members of ASSITEJ have the opportunity to meet to discuss the artistic life of the organization and their own artistic life within the field of theater for young audiences through Forums, Workshops, Seminars, performance programs, and other related events. The gathering takes place every year and is the most important global event in the field of theater and the performing arts for young audiences of the year. The gathering is hosted by a new country and festival each year and will take place in Serbia (2023) and France (2025). In addition, in 2024, the ASSITEJ members will meet at the 21st World Congress & Performing arts Festival in Cuba.

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OD MALIH NOG(U) je regionalna platforma za razvoj i afirmaciju pozorišta/kazališta/gledališća/teatra za d(j)ecu i mlade. Okuplja organizacije i umjetnike koji svojim edukativnim, umjetničkim te teorijskim radom žele promijeniti stanje u sektoru.