TIGAR TEATAR je likovno-kazališna umjetnička organizacija koja se bavi
profesionalnim kazalištem za djecu i mlade, osmišljavanjem, organizacijom i
provedbom kreativnih radionica za djecu i mlade, roditelje i obitelji te stručnu
javnosti, osmišljavanjem i organizacijom umjetničkih izložbi, proučavanjem i
promicanjem baštine te suvremenih umjetničkih formi i tehnoloških dostignuća
vezanih uz umjetnost. Osnovan je u proljeće 2004., a osnivači su mu umjetnici Iva-
Matija Bitanga, Leo Vukelić i Ida Loher. Dosad je organizacija producirala 15
kazališnih predstava s više od 2000 izvedbi.
Tigar Theatre is an artistic organization based in Zagreb, dedicated to professional visual and performing arts for children and youth. Apart from numerous theatre performances Tigar Theatre has been producing since its establishing in 2004, the organization has also been organizing and performing varoius creative workshops, artistic exhibitions and other innovative, interdisciplinary projects thematizing both cultural heritage and contemporary artistic forms. The founders of the organization are artists Iva-Matija Bitanga, Leo Vukelić and Ida Loher. Since its beginnings, Tigar Theatre has produced 15 professional theatre plays with more than 2000 performances.