Davor Dokleja

Član profesionalne Kazališne družine Pinklec od 1998. godine. Igrao u više od 20 profesionalnih kazališnih predstava u različitim produkcijama i koprodukcijama od kojih u nekoliko nagrađivanih predstava na eminentnim festivalima u Hrvatskoj i regiji. Osnivač je i voditelj Dramskog studija Dada Kazališne družine Pinklec. U Dramskom studiju Dada režirao više od 20 kazališnih predstava i performansa. Dobitnik je nagrade Zvjezdana Ladika i mnogih drugih nagrada. Zaposlen je u Centru za kulturu Čakovec kao glumac u Kazališnoj družini Pinklec i voditelj Dramskog studija Dada Kazališne družine Pinklec. Jedan od organizatora Susreta profesionalnih kazališta za djecu i mlade HC Assitej u Čakovcu od 2013. godine te predstavnik Mreže profesionalno vođenih kazališta za djecu i mlade pri HC Assitej. Član je Hrvatskog društva dramskih umjetnika i Hrvatskog centra za dramski odgoj.

Pročitaj više
Member of the professional Theatre Company Pinklec since 1998. He has performed in more than 20 professional theatre plays in various productions and co-productions, of which in several award-winning plays at eminent festivals in Croatia and the region. He is the founder and head of the Dada Drama Studio of the TC Pinklec where he has directed more than 20 theatre plays and performances. He is the winner of the “Zvjezdana Ladika” award for best drama pedagogical work and many other awards. He is employed at the Center for Culture, Čakovec as an actor in the Theatre Company Pinklec and the head of the Drama studio Dada of the TC Pinklec. He is one of the organizers of the Meeting of Professional Theatres for Children and Youth HC Assitej in Čakovec since 2013 and a representative of the Network of Professionally Guided Theatres for Children and Youth at HC Assitej. He is a member of the Croatian Society of Dramatic Artists and the Croatian Center for Drama Education.





Oblast delovanja:

Kazalište za djecu i mlade - glumac i dramski pedagog

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