NVO ,,Korifej teatar” u oblasti teatra za djecu i mlade ima iskustvo koje traje od 2004 godine. Pored rada sa mladima, od 2012. godine osnovana je scena „Ćure“, za najmladji uzrast +6 godina. U pozorištu posebnu pažnju poklanjamo temama od značaja za ovaj uzrast i njihovo odrastanje. Rad sa djecom organizovan je po principu interaktivnih radionica na kojima djeca i mladi pored obradjivanja tema od značaja za njihov zdrav razvoj i odrastanje, izučavaju i sve one segmente dramskog stvaralaštva shodno njihovom uzrastu. Pored ovoga, djeca i mladi se preko igre edukuju, stiču nova znanja kroz praktičan rad, stiču i usavršavaju nove vještine, koje su snažna podrška njihovom formalnom obrazovanju. Predavači na radionicama su svršeni studenti umjetničkih akademija i stručnjaci iz oblasti koje se obradjuju planom i programom. Pored ovoga, NVO ,,Korifej teatar” bavi se i produkcijom pozorišnih sadržaja za djecu i mlade u kojima su angažovani kako djeca i mladi tako i profesionalni reditelji, glumci, dramaturzi, scenografi, kostimografi, producenti, kao i drugi umjetnici.
The NGO “Korifej teatar” has an experience 17 years long in the field of theater for children and youth. Besides being dedicated to work with young people, in 2012 we founded section called “Ćure”, for the children aged +6. In our NGO we pay special attention to topics of importance for this age and their growth. The work with children is organized on the principle of interactive workshops in which children and youngsters, beside dealing with topics important for their healthy development and growing up, study all the segments of dramatic arts according to their age. Also, children and youngsters are being educated trough game play; they acquire new knowledge through practical work, acquire and improve new skills which all represent a strong support to their formal education. Lecturers at the workshops are graduates of art academies and experts in the field of theatre. In addition, the NGO “Korifej teatar” is the production company of theater plays for young audience either with children and young people enrolled or engagement of professionals: theatre directors, actors, drama writers, set designers, costume designers, producers, as well as other artists.