Matija Kezele

Matija Kezele kazališni je glumac, lutkar i producent koji djeluje kao samostalni umjetnik od 2008. godine. Njegov umjetnički rad prožet je nizom suradnji s umjetnicima, umjetničkim organizacijama i ustanovama u kulturi. 2012. godine osnovao je Kotar teatar i Kotar FEST! u Delnicama. Studirao je na Umjetničkoj akademiji u Osijeku i The Commedia school u Kopenhagenu. Baza njegovog rada je pokret, mima i stilovi u komediji. U posljednjih deset godina radio je s kazališnim skupinama u Hrvatskoj, Srbiji i Danskoj. Uz kazališne uloge održava radionice i rezidencijalne programe posvećene fizičkom apsektu glume. Kao umjetnički voditelj Kotar teatra organizira i dovodi kulturni sadržaj u sve rijeđe naseljenu regiju Gorski kotar.

Matija Kezele is a Croatian actor, puppeteer and theatre producer currently based in Rijeka. His artistic work contains collaborations with numerous artist and cultural institutions and festivals. Matija is the founder of Kotar theatre and Kotar FEST! – an artistic festival in the region of Gorski kotar in Croatia. He was educated in Osijek art academy and The Commedia school in Copenhagen. The base of his work is movement, mime and styles in commedia. In the last ten years he worked with theatre groups in Croatia, Serbia and Denmark. Beside performing he is a theatre pedagogue holding residences and workshops connected to physical theatre. As an artistic leader of Kotar theatre his main activity is establishing and production of programs in the deserted region of Gorski kotar.




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