Mojca Kasjak

Sem plesalka, koreografinja, plesna pedagoginja, producentka in umetniška vodja festivala Platforma sodobnega plesa. V okviru magistrskega študija se specializiram za delo terapevtke z umetnostjo, kjer izvajam plesno gibalne terapije, razvijam projekt P.A.K.T. – Poslovna Art Kreativna Terapija. V okviru lanske produkcije smo z ustvarjalci realizirali koreopoezijo z mladimi, kjer gre za odlično povezavo med sodobnim plesom in poezijo. Po formalni izobrazbi sem profesorica geografije in sociologije. Zaključila sem specializacijo na London Contemporary Dance School v Veliki Britaniji in pridobila certifikat za koreografijo in ples. Izvajam otroške ustvarjalne delavnice kreativnega gibaja, delavnice in predstave fizičnega gledališča za mladino in strokovne seminarje kreativnega plesnega ustvarjanja za mentorje, ki poučujujejo otroke in mladino. Z mladino sem naredila nekaj plesno gledaliških predstav, ki so bile tudi nagrajene. Sem avtorica številnih plesnih projektov in prejemnica posameznih nagrad.

Pročitaj više
I am a dancer, choreographer, dance pedagogue, producer and artistic director of the Platform of Contemporary Dance festival. As part of my master’s degree, I specialize in the work of an art therapist, where I study dance movement therapies. At the moment I’m developing the P.A.K.T. – Business Art Creative Therapy. As part of last year’s production, we realized choreopoetry with young people with the creators, where there is a great connection between contemporary dance and poetry. By formal education, I am a professor of geography and sociology. I completed a specialization at the London Contemporary Dance School in the UK and obtained a certificate in choreography and dance. I conduct children’s creative workshops of creative movement, with youth workshops and performances of physical theater and professional seminars of creative dance creation for mentors who teach children and youth. I did some dance theater performances with the youth, which were also award-winning. I am the author of many dance projects and the recipient of individual awards.


Maribor, Slovenija


Oblast delovanja:

Within the theater for children and youth, I am the author and choreographer of children's dance performances: The cat Mury, The Wizard of Oz; contemporary dance musicals (Črmljonavti, The Kingdom of Music) - in collaboration with Carmina Slovenica). With the youth, I staged several performances of physical theater, where I combine contemporary dance art, dance theater and also poetry (One night some girls are dying somewhere, Samadhi, Paths to love, What does this represent?). I am also a producer of performance.

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