Gledališče Lalanit je pod okriljem Društva lutkovnih ustvarjalce leta 2011 ustanovila igralka- animatorka, režiserka, izdelovalka lutk in avtorica Iuna Ornik. V Gledališče vabi soustvarjalce s katerimi išče izvirne avtorske prispevke v besedilnem, dramaturškem,likovnem ,režijskem in glasbenem pristopu. Tako spodbuja nove možnosti v raziskovanju gledališko lutkovnega medeja.
Lalanit Theatre was founded in 2011 in Ljubljana under the umbrella of Society for puppet creators by actor- animator, director, puppet creator and author Iuna Ornik. The author invites different artists to the theatre, with whom she seeks original, creative contributions through various textual, dramaturgical, design, directorial, and music approaches. In this way she encourages new opportunities in search of theatre- puppet media with variety of co-workers.