ANGAŽMAN FEST okupiće najbolje edukativne i angažovane predstave za decu i mlade iz Srbije i regiona putem otvorenog konkursa. Kroz 3 dana festivala, u novembru 2021. godine u Domu omladine Beograda, učenici osnovnih i srednjih škola pratiće glavni program koji sadrži 4 takmičarske predstave i premijerno izvođenje predstave u produkciji festivala, kao i raznovrstan adekvatan prateći program u prostorijama Studio Centra. Tema ovogodišjeg izdanja je inkluzija i ceo festival će biti okrenut programima koji čine važnost inkluzije vidljim, kao i ka onim aktivnostima koje mogu da se prilagođavaju svakom pojedinačnom detetu.
ANGAŽMAN (Engagment eng.) FEST will gather the best educational and engaged performances for children and yougsters from Serbia and the region through an open call. During the 3 days of the festival, in November 2021 in the Dom Omladine Boegrada (Belgrade Youth Center eng.), primary and high school students will follow the main program which contains 4 competitive plays and the premiere of festivals production, as well as a variety of adequate accompanying program in the Studio Center. The theme of this year’s edition is inclusion and the entire festival will be focused on programs that make the importance of inclusion more visible, as well as those activities that can be adapted to each individual child.