Od leta 1990 Lutkovno gledališče Maribor organizira mednarodni festival Poletni lutkovni pristan, ki ostaja stalnica poletnega dogajanja v mestu. Meseca avgusta vsako leto si odličen program ogleda več tisoč obiskovalcev. V prvi vrsti seveda ponuja najboljše tuje in domače lutkovne predstave za otroke, pa tudi predstave za odrasle, delavnice, razstave, instalacije in druge spremljevalne dogodke. S podporo Mestne občine Maribor tako mariborski lutkarji vsako leto privabijo najboljše, kar ponuja lutkovni svet. Od jubilejnega 30. Poletnega lutkovnega pristana prejme najboljša predstava po izboru otroške žirije nagrado zlata žirafa.
Since 1990, the Maribor Puppet Theatre has been organising the Summer Puppet Pier, an annual international summer festival in the city. Every year, in August, thousands of visitors enjoy an excellent programme. Primarily, the festival offers the best foreign and domestic puppet performances for children, as well as performances for adults, workshops, exhibitions, installations, and other accompanying events. With the support of the Municipality of Maribor, Maribor puppeteers every year attract the best that the puppet world has to offer. Since the 30th Summer Puppet Pier festival, the best performance selected by the children’s jury receives the Golden Giraffe Award.