Open call for the ‘After Gathering’ Pitch Session at Assitej Artistic Gathering 2023

‘After Gathering’ Pitch Session is a place and time within the Assitej Artistic Gathering, during which young theatre artists are invited to present their work and ideas to the broader international audience made of theatre professionals.

Open call for the ‘After Gathering’ Pitch Session at Assitej Artistic Gathering 2023

Novi Sad, Serbia, November 24th at 10.30 AM

Deadline for pitchers: 15th November

ASSITEJ Serbia and the regional platform From the First Step invites artists and theatre collectives for a Pitch Session at Assitej Artistic Gathering 2023 ‘Turning point’

Open call for the ‘After Gathering’ Pitch Session

Novi Sad, Serbia, November 24th at 11 AM

Deadline: November 15th

‘After Gathering’ Pitch Session is a place and time within the Assitej Artistic Gathering, during which young theatre artists are invited to present their work and ideas to the broader international audience made of theatre professionals. It is one of the many initiatives implemented by ASSITEJ Serbia and From the First Step platform designed to support artistic and cultural exchange and collaboration between international artists interested in theater for young audiences. We want our mission to endure between our annual gatherings and activities. ‘After Gathering’ Pitch Session is a perfect opportunity for all artists aged 36 years or below to establish a new international exchange or set up their next project. 

ASSITEJ Serbia and the regional platform From the First Step invite artists (actors, dancers, directors, scenographers, critics, producers, researchers, pedagogues, etc.) and/or their collectives to attend the ‘After Gathering’ Pitch Session and apply for pitching their ideas. 

Feel free to present your ideas and ideals, your work, the work of the organization you come from, or the people you work with. ‘After Gathering’ is an opportunity to get attention, interest, and contacts for your next creative thing. 

You don’t need to have an ongoing project, or a detailed plan to pitch! 

Every presenter must follow the following rules: 

– Each presenter has exactly 5 minutes for their pitch (introduction and conclusion included); 

– They must use visual material throughout the presentation consisting of 15 slides, each of them lasting exactly 20 seconds; 

– The content of the slides is not given (it can be a photo, screenshot, video, gif, etc.);

Artists aged 36 or below can apply for a pitch session. The applicants will be chosen based on the creativity and originality of their idea, the field in which they work, compatibility with the aims of AAG 2023, and it’s ‘turning point’ themes: development, new technologies, new engaging means, and sustainability. 

Apply with your artistic resume until 15th November at All applications must be written in English and under 300 words.

Platform FROM THE FIRST STEP/OD MALIH NOG(U) is a regional platform dedicated to the development and affirmation of the TYA in the Balkan region. It brings together organizations and artists who want to change the situation in the TYA sector with their educational, artistic and theoretical work. 


An ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering is a space in which all the members of ASSITEJ have the opportunity to meet to discuss the artistic life of the organization and their own artistic life within the field of theater for young audiences through Forums, Workshops, Seminars, performance programs, and other related events. The gathering takes place every year and is the most important global event in the field of theater and the performing arts for young audiences of the year. The gathering is hosted by a new country and festival each year and will take place in Serbia (2023) and France (2025). In addition, in 2024, the ASSITEJ members will meet at the 21st World Congress & Performing arts Festival in Cuba.

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OD MALIH NOG(U) je regionalna platforma za razvoj i afirmaciju pozorišta/kazališta/gledališća/teatra za d(j)ecu i mlade. Okuplja organizacije i umjetnike koji svojim edukativnim, umjetničkim te teorijskim radom žele promijeniti stanje u sektoru.