Milana Matejić (1997) is a dramaturg and a playwright, born in Smederevo, Serbia. From 2016 until 2019, she had studied theatre directing at NOVA academy of Arts Belgrade. During her studies in Belgrade, she both worked as an assistant theatre director in different theaters (Atelje 212, Bitef, KPGT) and as a drama pedagogue and director at the youth theater (PATOS). In 2020, she moved to Montenegro where she completed the major of dramaturgy and enrolled in master’s studies in the same major. She is currently in the phase of writing her master’s thesis. As a dramaturgist, she mostly works on the independent scene (Drama Studio Prazan prostor, Korifej theatre), creating for children and youth and in Pozorište mladih in Sarajevo. Her first children’s play The case of a broken vase had it’s premiere in Gradsko pozorište Podgorica.
Milana Matejić (1997) je dramaturškinja i dramska spisateljica rođena u Smederevu, Srbija. Od 2016. do 2019. godine studira pozorišnu režiju na NOVA Akademija umetnosti. U toku studija često radila kao asistentkinja reditelja/ki u pozorištu Atelje 212, Bitef teatru i KPGT-u. Takođe do 2020. godine radi kao dramska pedagoškinja u pozorištu PATOS u Smederevu. Od 2020. živi, radi i studira dramaturgiju na Fakultetu dramskih umjetnosti, Cetinje. Trenutno je završnoj godini master studija. Kao dramaturškinja, najviše radi na nezavisnoj pozorišnoj sceni (Dramski studio Prazan prostor, Korifej Teatar), stvarajući za decu i mlade, kao i u Pozorištu mladih u Sarajevu. Njen prvi tekst za decu Slučaj slomljene vaze postavljen je u Gradskom pozorištu u Podgorici.