Lutkovno gledališče Maribor naseljuje prenovljen Minoritski samostan na Lentu, v jugozahodnem vogalu mestnega obzidja med Sodnim stolpom in Žičkim dvorom. Prenovljeni prostori zagotavljajo nadstandardno podporo za sodelovalno umetniško ustvarjanje lutkovnih, sorodnih uprizoritvenih in glasbenih vsebin. Vsako leto oziroma sezono ustvarimo 6 novih uprizoritev za različne starostne skupine otrok, pa tudi za odrasle. Naše gledališče sodeluje z različnimi institucijami, neodvisnimi organizacijami in posamezniki, saj v tem prepoznava možnost povečane kakovosti lastne javne službe, širše dostopnosti vsebin in učinkovitejše popularizacije lutkovne umetnosti; vlaga v izobraževanje in razvoj dejavnosti ter tako postavlja področne standarde. Želimo ustvariti privlačno in sodobno lutkovno središče, ki skozi ustvarjalno domišljijo, z razumevanjem lutkovne umetnosti in z dobro organizacijo dodatnih vsebin premišljeno in občutljivo nagovarja gledalce vseh starosti in zahtevnosti.
The Maribor Puppet Theatre is located in the renovated Minorite Monastery on Lent in the southwestern corner of the city walls, between the Judgment Tower and the Žički dvor. The renovated spaces, no longer in a sacral, military or residential function, provide premium support for collaborative artistic creation of puppetry, related performing and musical content. Cooperation with various institutions, independent organizations and individuals increases the quality of the proprietary programme the theatre offers, brings the contents on offer to a wider audience, and further popularizes the art of puppetry. The theatre heavily invests in education and active development, thereby raising the standards in this field of activity. The theatre aims to represent an attractive and modern puppet centre which – through creative imagination, understanding of the art of puppetry, and a good organization of additional contents – thoughtfully and sensibly addresses even the most demanding audiences of all ages.