Zavod za promocijo in izvedbo lutkovnih in gledaliških predstav.
Mini teater sta leta 1999 osnovala Robert Waltl in Ivica Buljan z namenom, da bi okrepila ustvarjanje v postdramskem teatru in gledališču za mlado občinstvo. Estetsko se Mini teater usmerja k besedilom avtorjev, kot so Bernard-Marie Koltès, Heiner Müller, Robert Walser, Elfriede Jelinek, Jean Genet, Hervé Guibert, Arthur Rimbaud, A. S. Puškin in H. Ch. Andersen, v njem pa imajo prednost raziskovalne režijske estetike z režiserji, kot so I. Buljan, A. Anurov, P. Calvario, S. Nordey, R. Waltl in J. Ivanc, v programu za mlado občinstvo pa posebno pozornost posveča inovativnim umetniško-vzgojnim projektom.Izbor fotografij je na voljo na spletni strani Mini teatra
Mini teater offers a wide program of puppet performances, ranging from adaptations of original texts to hybrid performances intertwining traditional puppetry with visual arts, story-telling, dance, etc. Aiming to bring modern visuals and contents to the sphere of puppetry, Mini Theatre collaborates with acclaimed as well as emerging theatre directors, such as Alexander Anurov, Aleksei Leliavski, Pavel Polak, Marek Becka, etc. The program for the young dedicates special attention to innovative educational projects. The co-production Thumbelina, created by the theatre’s art director Robert Waltl in collaboration with Tadej Fius and Darij Kreuh, is the first virtual puppet performance in the world, a combination of computer animation and puppet performance presented in the virtual computer environment. The theatre’s puppet program has a strong local and international presence. Between 2009 and 2015, Mini teater was a part of the international Puppet Nomad Academy, a Creative Europe-funded project aimed at connecting the great masters of puppetry with young aspiring puppeteers to foster innovation and creativity in the area of puppetry and promote intercultural dialogue. The initiative connected puppeteers from Armenia, Belarus, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Slovenia and Belgium.