Kaj se zgodi, ko nasilje nad telesom povzroči izgubljanje. Kaj se zgodi, ko tvoje telo ni več tvoje? Kot nebivajoče po sebi, kot stanje, ko pripada nekomu ali nečemu drugemu (nekemu drugemu pomenu). Ogroženo je razvijanje telesa, saj je prepovedano gibanje in stik z zunanjim svetom. Kaj lahko povzroči tesnoba omejevanja? Telo postane last nekoga drugega. Ali obstaja alternativa – upor proti temu stanju? Deklice za varno okolje svojega bivanja uporabijo svoja telesa v več fazah: telo, ki ne biva, telo, ki vznika, telo, ki raste, in telo, ki se razširja ter zavzame svoj prostor, ki mu pripada. // What happens when violence against the body causes loss. What happens when your body is no longer yours? As non-existent in and of itself, as a state when it belongs to someone or something else (to some other meaning). The development of the body is endangered, as movement and contact with the outside world is prohibited. What can the uneasiness of restraint cause? The body becomes the property of someone else. Is there an alternative – a resistance to this condition? Girls use their bodies in several phases for the safe surroundings of their stay: a body that does not dwell, a body that emerges, a body that grows, and a body that expands and takes up the space that belongs to it.
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