(foto: Nika Slokar)

Evin Hadžialjević

Sem plesalka in pedagoginja na področju sodobnega plesa, po izobrazbi magistrica umetnosti giba. Leta 2014 sem prav tako zaključila Pedagoško-andragoško izobraževanje ter leta 2018 bila habilitirana v naziv visokošolskih učiteljev Univerze v Ljubljani. S poučevanjem plesa za otroke in mladostnike sem pričela leta 2009, ko sem v Plesnem studiu Intakt v Ljubljani vodila nadaljevalne skupine za sodobni ples. Nato sem poučevala sodobni ples za otroke na Konservatoriju za glasbo in balet Ljubljana ter v letih 2015-2018 v Plesnem Epicentru Ljubljana. Ob koncu šolskega leta smo z učenci zmeraj ustvarili krajše koreografije, ki smo jih tudi predstavili publiki. V šolskem letu 2016/2017 sem v sklopu Plesnega Epicentra Ljubljana prav tako izvajala plesne delavnice v vrtcih. Leta 2016 sem s kolegicama soustvarila otroško interaktivno predstavo Oblaček Jablanček, ki smo jo večkrat odigrale v vrtcih za otroke med 3-6 let. Od leta 2016 sodelujem z Državnih izpitnim centrom kot zunanja ocenjevalka splošne mature pri predmetu sodobni ples.

Pročitaj više
I am a dancer and pedagogue in the field of contemporary dance, with a Master’s degree in Art of movement. In 2014, I also completed Pedagogical-andragogical education and in 2018 I was habilitated to the title of higher education teacher at the University of Ljubljana. I started teaching dance for children and young adults in 2009, when I led advanced groups for contemporary dance at the Intakt Dance Studio in Ljubljana. I then taught contemporary dance for children at the Ljubljana Conservatory of Music and Ballet and from 2015-2018 at Plesni Epicenter Ljubljana. At the end of the school year, we always created short choreographies with the students, which we also presented to the audience. In the school year 2016/2017, I also conducted dance workshops in kindergartens as part of Plesni Epicenter Ljubljana. In 2016, my colleagues and I co-created the children’s interactive show Oblaček Jablanček, which we performed several times in kindergartens for children between 3-6 years of age. Since 2016, I have been cooperating with the National Examination Center as an external assessor of the general matura in the subject of contemporary dance.


Ljubljana, Slovenija



Oblast delovanja:

Koreografinja in mentorica

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