Kao prateći program Festivala monodrame i pantomime 2010, 2011, 2012, igrokazima koji su izvodili učenici OŠ: “Život u ravni u tri slike: A, U, AU”, ” Uhvati beskonačno” i ” Ritam formule”. igrokazi približavaju publici pojmove vezane za matematiku…forma izvođenja: pantomima. predstava “Život u ravni u tri slike: A, U, AU” bila na Bitef Polifoniji. Po autorskom tekstu “Sovino ogledalo” 9.03.2020. u lutkarskom pozorištu Pinokio u Zemunu izvedena predstava “Pustolovine Tila vragolana”.
As a side program of the Festival of Monodrama and Pantomime 2010, 2011, 2012, with plays performed by primary school students: “Life in three pictures: A, U, AU”, ” Capture infinite” and ” The rhythm of the formula’. Plays bring concepts related to mathematics closer to the audience… form of performance: pantomime. The play “Life in a plane in three pictures: A, U, AU” was on Bitef polyphony. According to the author’s text ” Owl’s mirror” 9.03.2020. in the Pinocchio puppet theater in Zemun, the play “Adventures of Til the Prankster”