Morana Dolenc

Morana Dolenc, kazališna redateljica i lutkarica, rođena je 1982. u Zagrebu, Hrvatska. Diplomirala je teatrologiju ne Sorbonni 2008. g. i završila Ecole Nationale Superieure des Arts de la Marionnette 2005.god u Charleville –Mezieresu u Francuskoj. Od 2008. glumi i režira u brojnim kazališnim projektima u Francuskoj, Sloveniji i Hrvatskoj. Bila je uključena u mnogobrojne humanitarne projekte i producirala je PIF – Međunarodni festival kazališta lutaka od 2009. do 2012. g. Godine 2012. osniva umjetničku organizaciju Lutkarska organizacija koju fakat trebamo- LOFT. LOFT je članica HC UNIMA i HC ASSITEJ. Od 2015. je članica Hrvatske zajednice samostalnih umjetnika. Vodi mnogobrojne radionice na fakultetima, školama, vrtićima, kao i za projekte Ministarstva kulture Republike Hrvatske. Godine 2017.g. postaje članica Upravnog odbora HC ASSITEJ. Profesorica je na Akademiji za umjetnost i kulturu u Osijeku. Za svoj rad dobila je nagrade u zemlji i inozemstvu.

Pročitaj više
Morana Dolenc, theatre director and a puppeteer, was born in Zagreb, Croatia 1982. In February 2008 she graduated from the Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris III (3 Licenses, Etudes thaéâtrales) in Paris, France. Before that she graduated from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts de la Marionette in Charleville-Mezieres, France, in June 2005. Since 2008 she performed and directed in various theatres in Croatia, France and Slovenia and participated in numerous humanitarian projects. From 2009 till 2012 she was producer and program manager of International Puppet Theatre Festival – PIF in Zagreb. In 2012 she founded her own puppet company: Lutkarska organizacija koju fakat trebamo – LOFT (Puppet organization that we need indeed). LOFT is member of Unima (Union Internetionale de la Marionnette) and ASSITEJ (International Association of Theatre for Children and Young People). She is winner of different prizes for her work in Croatia and abroad. Since 2015 she is member of Croatian Freelance Artists’ Association as a theater director. She is leading various puppet workshops in Universities, schools, kindergartens and projects of Ministry of Culture. Since 2017 she is member of executive board of ASSITEJ Croatia. She is now a professor at Academy of Arts in Osijek, Croatia, and is directing performances for children and adults.


Hrvatska, Ježevo


Oblast delovanja:

kazališna režija (lutkarske, dramske i intermedijalne predstave za djecu i mlade kao i za odrasle)

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