ŽIVA, festival plesne ustvarjalnosti mladih

več: https://www.jskd.si/ples/prireditve_ples/ziva/ziva_21/ziva_21_uvod.htm


Sprememba je edina stalnica v življenju. In telo kot prostor bivanja je prostor, ki v svoji celovitosti omogoča neizmerne razsežnosti. Zato v skladu z družbeno političnim dogajanjem razbrskavamo, vzpostavljamo čisti tok, ki ponazarja fluidno strast, se srečujemo in sporočamo, da plesna umetnost potrebuje gledalca. Kompleksno in dovršeno reflektiramo družbeno politično stanje aktualnega časa in skozi skupno, izjemno močno energetsko uglašenost ter odlično izvedbeno in sporočilno interpretacijo prikažemo tisti nenehni občutek prikritega stanja pripravljenosti. Lahko samo markiramo ali navidezno umiramo od bolečine ter raztresamo sekunde. V vsakem primeru vzpostavljamo skupen prostor. In smo ustvarjalni. Avtentični. Prisotni.

Lansko leto je bil festival plesne ustvarjalnosti mladih Živa, ki prinaša presek aktualne plesne ustvarjalnosti izbranih plesnih skupin in posameznikov/posameznic iz vse Slovenije ter nosi ime po plesni pedagoginji in koreografinji Živi Kraigher, izveden na spletu. Letos bomo ponovno izkusili mlado sodobno plesno umetnost v živo. Umetnost, ki je večna in neuničljiva ter se kaže v umetniških praksah, pogovorih, koreografskih miniaturah, predstavah in druženju.

Veselimo se razmišljujočih in izraznih teles, ustvarjalnih plesnih zgodb in prikaza na odru, ki je odličen original in najboljši primer ustvarjalne razvojnosti ter svoje lastne primarnosti za javno dobro. Vredno in nujno ga je izkusiti v živo.


The only constant in life is change. Our bodies are the spaces we inhabit and their wholeness gives us immeasurable options. Therefore we, in accordance with socio-political events, pry apart and make whole again pure flows that illustrate fluid passion, we meet and we shout out that the art of dance needs spectators. We reflect the current political situation with thoroughness and insight and release the constant feeling of readiness bubbling under the surface through our common and powerful synchronicity of energy as well as our interpretations, excellent in both meaning and performance. We can only mark the pain or pretend to die of it as we scatter the seconds. Regardless of what we do, we are establishing a common space. We are creative. Authentic. Present.

Živa, the festival of young dance creativity named after dance pedagogue and choreographer Živa Kraigher which showcases a cross-section of contemporary dance creativity by chosen dance groups and individuals from all over Slovenia, was carried out online last year. This year we will once again experience contemporary young dance art live. Art that is eternal and indestructible and is reflected in artistic practices, conversations, choreographic miniatures, performances and socializing.

We are looking forward to thoughtful and expressive bodies, creative dance stories and original stage performances which will provide a perfect example of creative development and the importance of dance for the common good. It is worthwhile and necessary to experience it live.

Festival of young dance creativity ŽIVA is an annual event which presents a cross-section of current activities by selected dance groups and individuals from all over Slovenia as well as guests from abroad. Its name ŽIVA is a homage to Živa Kraigher, an important Slovenian dance teacher and choreographer.

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OD MALIH NOG(U) je regionalna platforma za razvoj i afirmaciju pozorišta/kazališta/gledališća/teatra za d(j)ecu i mlade. Okuplja organizacije i umjetnike koji svojim edukativnim, umjetničkim te teorijskim radom žele promijeniti stanje u sektoru.