Kulturno društvo Qulenium raziskuje in razvija sodobno plesno umetnost. Poleg izvajanja rednih delavnic ter izobraževanja za otroke in mladino vsako leto pripravi dve redni produkciji Plesni ognjemet, kjer se predstavi produkcija društva in Kalejdoskop – festival sodobne odrske umetnosti, ki poteka v Kranju in Ljubljani. V ponudbi imajo tudi seminarje ustvarjalnega giba Dva leteča in en bos, namenjene vzgojiteljem, učiteljem, plesnim pedagogom ter vsem tistim, ki razvijajo in oblikujejo ustvarjalni ples. Ob koncu plesne sezone organizirajo Ustvarjalni tabor Mašun, kjer teden ustvarjajo v prekrasni naravi pod Snežnikom. Namen društva je prebuditi in raziskati primarno gibanje ter s tem obogatiti domišljijo vsakega posameznika z željo po gibalnem izražanju.
The cultural Asscoiation Qulenium researches and develops contemporary dance art. In addition to conducting regular workshops and education for children and youth, every year we prepare two regular productions of Dance Fireworks, which presents the production of the society and Kaleidoscope – a festival of contemporary performing arts, which takes place in Kranj and Ljubljana. They also offer seminars for the creative movement Two Flying and One Barefoot, intended for educators, teachers, dance pedagogues and all those who develop and design creative dance. At the end of the dance season, they organize the Mašun Creative Camp, where they create a week in beautiful nature below Snežnik. The purpose of the association is to awaken and explore the primary movement and thus enrich the imagination of each individual with a desire for movement expression.