V Pionirskem domu – Center za kulturo mladih izvajamo prostočasne kulturno-umetniške aktivnosti za otroke in mlade, načrtujemo in izvajamo kulturno vzgojo v sodelovanju s šolami ter drugimi profesionalnimi kulturnimi institucijami ter nudimo izobraževanja učiteljev, saj so prav oni tisti, ki v veliki meri skrbijo za kulturno vzgojo mladih. Gledališki oddelek se ukvarja predvsem z gledališko improvizacijo in pripravo avtorskih ter občasno tudi otroških predstav. Organiziramo tudi različne vseslovenske in mednarodne umetniške festivale za mlade: Otroški festival gledaliških sanj, filmski festival Zoom, glasbeni festival, literarni natečaj Bodi pisatelj_ica, festival Hokus pokus, ki povezuje znanost in umetnost, kot soorganizatorji pa sodelujemo tudi pri organizaciji in izvedbi plesnega festivala Kalejdoskop. Glavni cilji institucije so okrepiti mlade z umetniškimi veščinami, jih spodbuditi k razmišljanju, zanimanju in vključenosti v umetnost in kulturo ter jih vključiti, spodbuditi in opolnomočiti za lastno delovanje v umetnosti, kulturi in nasploh. S projekti kot partnerji in vodje sodelujemo v mednarodnih shemah Ustvarjalna Evropa in Erasmus + in smo zelo zainteresirani za kakršno koli povezovanje.
In Pionirski dom – Centre for youth culture, we create and organise extracurricular activities for children and the young in the field of culture and arts, we plan and implement cultural education in collaboration with schools and other professional cultural institutions and offer educational programmes for teachers and pedagogues that are taking care for cultural education of the young. The theatre department’s main focus is on improvisational theatre and devised theatre performances, sometimes performances for children and the young as well. We organise a variety of national and international artistic festivals for the young: Children’s festival of theatre dreams, film festival Zoom, music festival, literary festival Be a writer, festival Hokus pokus, that connects science and art, and also co-organise dance festival Kalejdoskop. Main goals of our organisation are to equip the young with artistic competences and skills, to encourage them to think about, show interest and engage in the field of arts and culture and to include them, motivate them and empower them for their own participation in the field of arts, culture and in the world. We are project partners and leaders in projects funded by Creative Europe and Erasmus + scheme and are very interested in connecting and cooperating with other institutions.