Zavod za sodobno plesno umetnost, kreativnost in umetnost bivanja, Maribor. Izvajamo umetniško produkcijo projektov in festivala PLATFORMA SODOBNEGA PLESA, strokovne seminarje, ustavrjalne plesne delavnice in delavnice za umetnost bivanja ter s programi za boljšo kvaliteto življenja. S projekti, ki jih izvajamo na področju kulturno-umetnostne vzgoje, mlade izobražujemo ter vzgajamo o pomenu umetnosti in kulturnega delovanja. Zavod sodeluje tudi na področju kulturno kreativnih industrij, kjer razvija projekt P.A.K.T. – Poslovno Art Kreativno terapijo. Zavod deluje pod umetniškim vodstvom Mojce Kasjak.
Institute for Contemporary Dance Art, Creativity and the Art of Living, Maribor. We produce projects and festival PLATFORM OF CONTEMPORARY DANCE, professional seminars, creative dance workshops and workshops for the art of living, as well as programs for a better quality of life. Through projects carried out in the field of cultural and artistic education, we educate young people about the importance of art and cultural activities. The institute also participates in the field of cultural and creative industries, where we develop the B.A.C.T. – Business Art Creative Therapy. The institute operates under the artistic direction of Mojca Kasjak.